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Investing in Femtech

I'm investing in femtech founders.

It's strange that so many areas of women’s health feel strangely archaic + taboo in 2023. Our bodies are able to create life, and change significantly more than men's through our lifetime. We shouldn't have to pretend otherwise.

In terms of scope, this space has traditionally been defined by mensural hygiene, contraceptive and fertility plays- but is expanding quickly to include conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis and different life stages, including menopause.

On the product side, I’m looking to back smart wearables and hardware in women’s health.

Reach out if you're building devices to support:

-fertility (eg: ovulation tracking)

-pregnancy (eg: fetal monitoring, placental health)

-post partum (eg: core/ pelvic floor strengtheners, improving lactation)

-menopause (eg: tracking hot flashes/ hormonal shift

I'm also interested in supporting consumer brands in new categories such as sexual wellness and nutraceutical brands that have proven efficacy.

On the services side, I'm excited to partner with startups that are expanding the scope of this sector. Omnichannel plays and single-speciality clinics are particularly interesting. Building consumer trust by owning delivery and physical touchpoints are key.

Reach out if you're building in this space- I'd love to learn more.

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